A day at a Senior's Residence in Burlington

🌟 A Reiki Rendezvous at Williamsburg 🌟

In the grandeur of Williamsburg’s embrace, akin to the Waldorf’s majestic grace, I brought a touch of healing’s trace, to hearts open, in this charming place. With laughter shared and spirits high, We pondered life, under the sky. “Will Reiki my love life amplify?” Quipped Don, “First, a partner you must apply!” giggled Joan! Questions came, thoughtful and profound, “Is energy healing for seniors sound?” As safe as a babe, in the womb found, for our cherished elders, it’s safe and sound. “Have you worked with veterans, brave and true?” A question that warmed my heart anew. For freedom they fought, in skies of blue, At ‘Let it go with REIKI’, we honour WWII vets with complimentary sessions. Clarity of mind, a treasure to seek, Reiki brings rest, to the weary and meek. With slumber improved, no longer bleak, awake refreshed, the clarity you’ll speak. Seeking a healer, skilled and wise? Look no further, before your eyes, ‘Let it go with REIKI’, the prize, For energy’s flow, in gentle rise. Sessions frequent, or now and then, tailored to you, like a healing zen. For issues deep, or a calming ten, Energy flows, again and again. Self-care’s the key, between each session, hydrate, rest, and avoid congestion. Gentle moves, in quiet procession, Stay connected, that’s our suggestion. With Reiki’s principles, day by day, We’ll bring Level I and II, come what may. For health and joy, without delay, group lessons await, just email away to calah@letitgowithreiki or 905-973-1325. Does anyone know where Concierge Pat is hiding? If you guessed behind the front desk, you're right!