How Does Reiki Support Weight Loss?
Reiki has been used to support weight loss by addressing the non-physical aspects of weight gain, such as stress and emotional well-being. While there is no direct scientific evidence that Reiki burns fat or leads to immediate weight loss, it can be a valuable tool in a weight loss journey. COVID-19 brought about body changes for many of us. I cocooned and ballooned. What did you do? My gym wasn't open for over a year; all pools closed, so my daily activity was a walks around the block. I didn't get my cardio up and I didn't exercise enough to balance out the amount of food I was consuming. Of course it didn't help that I also binged on Netflix as a result of lack of socialization. So, when we broke loose from the confines of COVID, I decided to buckle down, get mindful and delve into my personal Reiki practice to lose the 17 pounds I gained during COVID and the 30 over the years 😉 It was time to practice what I preached! That's the main reason I wrote my Reiki Self-Care e-learning course.

I wrote the course because I wanted to detail in an easy to follow format that we can support ourselves with a Reiki Lifestyle and manage our mood, our weight - our life! How does Reiki help us remove pounds? Here are some of the factors:
- Mindfulness. I was brought back to being mindful of not only what I was putting in my mouth but how I was eating. Also, I was mindful of my day to day and utilizing good practices to reduce stress. Daily Reiki body scans and meditation to support best sleep helped immensely.
- Balance Energy. Reiki balances our body's energy contributing to overall wellness supporting weight loss. When my chakras are open I have the energy to make the best choices for myself. When my chakras are blocked, especially my throat chakra, I get stuck. When my throat chakra is blocked I do not communicate my choices or am I vocal about boundaries to support my weight management goals. With regular Reiki sessions, I am in a better place to communicate my wants and needs be grounded and solid in my choices.
- Emotional Healing: Reiki assists us to address emotional issues that lead to overeating and unhealthy eating patterns. Taking time to rest and relax provided for a calmer body so I didn't make unhealthy food choices. Reiki meditation, particularly after dinner when the urge to snack would takeover, keep me in a positive state to make the right choices. After all, do you want to be the rider or the elephant?
- Supports Medical Protocols: Reiki isn't a substitute for traditional weight loss methods but it can complement your medication and supplement protocols for well-being and give you a sense of control that puts you in a better place, a better mood to deal with your day-to-day and make good choices. I won't address the ozempic debate here but several of my clients have had great success with the drug combined with their Reiki sessions. If you’re considering Reiki for weight loss, it’s best to consult with a qualified practitioner to discuss how it can be integrated into your overall health plan. If you are on a weight-loss journey and need support, email Calah for a free discovery call and set up a Reiki session today.