Lunch box notes for your kids bring positivity!

🌟 Spread Positivity with Sticky Notes! 🌟


Looking to brighten your little's day? Try these uplifting sticky note messages:

1. You have the best smile! A simple reminder of the joy your child brings to you and their friends.

2. You are awesome and the bestest friend! Appreciate the kindness they share with you & others.

3. Superheroes always eat all their lunch! Acknowledge their wins and goals!

4. Keep up the good work today! Inspire diligence and compliment their successes!

5. Today you can eat dessert first! Bring humour and a smile! 

6. Love you to the moon and back! A simple reminder - they are safe, secure and well loved! 

7. You are one smart cookie! (Send cookies in their lunch too!) Reinforce their strengths!

8. "Let's-a-go!" A rallying cry for teamwork. Your Super Mario lover will know this means together he can achieve great things!  

📝 Write a Quick Note:

  • Tuck it away where they’ll find it—a sweet surprise!
  • Handwritten positive loving notes never go out of style.

Remember, a little positivity goes a long way! And, tuck a few notes in your bag to inspire your day - "Here we go!" You're the bestest parent! 🌼✨

Let it go with REIKI has a new course for kids, Reiki Kids, that supports sharing the message of positivity.