Live in the Present with REIKI
Embracing the Present with Reiki In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, constantly worrying about the fu... -
I am Jealous
Dealing with Envy in the Age of Social Media and AI-Generated Happiness When jealousy hits you so hard that you feel like crying and screaming, rem... -
Healthy Energy Flow Essential for Home and Office
The Importance of Energy Flow in Your Daily Environments: Home and Office In our fast-paced world, maintaining a balanced and healthy energy flow i... -
I am Fifty and Falling Apart
I’ve been hearing this phrase a lot lately from beautiful, powerful women: “I feel like my body is falling apart!” What do I do? I shake my head, s... -
Connecting with Your Inner Child Through Reiki
Understanding the Inner Child The inner child is often considered the magical part of us because it embodies the spirit of wonder, imagination, an... -
Are you a TYPE A or TYPE B Personality?
Understanding Type A and Type B Personalities and How Reiki Can Help Achieve Success In the realm of personality psychology, Type A and Type B pers... -
How Can I Open My Chakras?
Quick Actions for Chakra Alignment Opening our chakras is considered important because it can enhance our physical, emotional and spiritual well-be... -
How Does Reiki Support Weight Loss?
Reiki has been used to support weight loss by addressing the non-physical aspects of weight gain, such as stress and emotional well-being. While th... -
Do You Crave the #FridayFeelings
Do you live for Fridays? We love Fridays and wrote a story to celebrate the day. How do you feel about the days of the week? Is Friday a favourite for you, too?
Morning Energy Meditation
Morning Energy Meditation 🌅 Find a comfortable seat and close your eyes, Take a deep breath in, let your spirit rise. With each inhale, draw in the... -
Can Reiki be Done Remotely?
Distance or remote Reiki sessions are common, as practitioners believe that energy transcends time and space. Reiki Master Calah finds long distance works well for patients isolated with COVD-19 or cancer. The Holistic Healing works on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels offering a comprehensive approach to wellness. -
Reiki Meditation Music
Reiki Meditation Music I have only had one client over the years who asked for no music to be played during the Reiki session. I remember it dist...
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